A Record To Be Proud Of

Decreased taxes and water and sewer rates

Keeping a campaign promise, the 1% administrative fee on property tax bills was eliminated. 

Water and sewer rates have been decreased by 3%.

The township’s AAA bond rating has lowered borrowing expenses on bonds obtained to demolish dozens of buildings at the former Psychiatric Hospital site. and to build the new Essential Services Complex.

Enhanced Public Safety

The police and fire departments are fully staffed.

A second fire station at the Essential Services Complex is being added, which will improve emergency response times.

A new police headquarters is being built at the Essential Services Complex.

A new ladder truck has been added

Improved Recreational Opportunities

A skatepark and cricket pitch have been added at Millennium Park.

Phase One of 17.5 miles of internal pathways has been built at Legacy Park 

A pathway funded by a grant will be built along 7 Mile Road from Haggerty to Hines Park

Improved Communication and Transparency

Important information on services and activities is provided by the township website, emails, social media, and the Annual Community Update.